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Build emergency savings

Father and son playing in the park; image used for HSBC Build emergency savings article

You may be able to meet your needs and expenses each month, but are you prepared for an emergency or unexpected cost?

What if your car breaks down, you lose your job, or any medical exigency receive an unexpected bill?

Putting money aside for emergency or unexpected costs isn't easy, and it's a challenge for many people all over the world. As a result, an emergency or unexpected cost can lead you to financial hardship.

Being prepared for the unexpected, rather than dealing with it only when it arises, is key to your financial wellbeing. Estimates vary throughout the world, but experts recommend building up enough savings to cover at least 3 months of essential outgoings, in case of emergency.

Here are 5 tips for building an emergency savings fund:

    1. Set savings goals. Setting goals helps you to track your progress and measure your success. Plan to build up enough savings to cover at least three months of essential spends, in case of emergency. Anything else that you want to save for (like a holiday) should be added to this.
  1. Another thing to consider is to discuss your savings goals with your loved ones. Explain what they are for and why they are important. Sharing a savings goal with those around you can help you to stay on track.
  2. Keep your emergency funds separate from the money you use for everyday spending, or to pay your bills. Setting up a separate savings account can usually be done quickly online.
  3. Try to save regularly and automatically. Rather than try to save what you have left at the end of the month, set up an automated transfer from your regular bank account to a savings account on the day you are paid.
  4. If you can't save a lot, it can be hard to get motivated to save at all. But saving any amount (however small) is helpful, and can build up a valuable emergency savings fund over time.

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